Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Bible And The Holy Bible - 2081 Words
Any Christian who reads the Holy Bible and studies to Bible knows many of Jesus’s as parables. The new testament is filled with numerous amount of parables which seem to be stories that Jesus told in order to get his message across. The word parable comes from ÀΠ±Ã ÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ½ which means a figure of speech., and this is the way that Jesus spoke. I have spoken to you in figures of speech; the hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in figures of speech, but tell you plainly of the Father.(John 16:25) When Jesus spoke to the people this is how he spoke to them However, while it seems that these were simple stories it is apparent from the reading that Jess’s parables were methodically thought through with each being very precisely accurate in the structure of the stories. Moreover, followers can seem to have a different meaning to these parables because depending on the situation and relationship with Jesus that a particular person had it i s possible for the interpretation may not match the next persons. Yet, Jesus has used these analogy to illustrate his point, people of Jesus time may have understood him better when the parables could be related to their every day lives. In the new testament of the Bible there is an astounding 46 parables. Of the 46 parables in the bible some of those are repeated within the other gospel but one which is unique to all the others is one parable the good Samaritan And these were important information that was needed in order for theShow MoreRelatedThe Bible And The Holy Bible766 Words  | 4 PagesChristians believe that there is no error in the Holy Scriptures. Since the Bible was written many years ago, we must reconcile our understanding of passages that seem to make contradictory statements. The Holy Scriptures as a whole is the Word of God. The doctrine of inerrancy of Scripture states that there are no errors in the bible. Two passages in 1 John, however, make seemly contradictory statements. But the author wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The meaning of two passages in 1Read MoreThe Bible And The Holy Bible Essay1730 Words  | 7 PagesFrom its first pages, the Holy Bible indicates that the most terrible events in the annals of space occur due to the human actions. From the theological point of view, the man is designated with such importance due to the fact of being the reason of war between God and Lucifer. Unfortunately, after the Fall of man, the evil was allowed into the world, and thus the world got secluded from God. God can speak to people, is able to remind them of His existence, but the whole tragedy of the pre-ChristianRead MoreThe Bible And The Holy Bible2735 Words  | 11 PagesMesser says that for Christians, the Holy Bible is th e rich mixture of writings of various kinds, written over many centuries in many different settings collected together in the Hebrew Bible, and the New Testament; and by calling this collection of writing â€Å"Scripture†we are marking it off from other writings that come from the same places and times and claiming that is has some kind of special status and authority within the community of Christian faith. (Messer p5) One way for Christians toRead MoreThe Holy Bible3417 Words  | 14 PagesOne could read the Bible in its original Hebrew and Greek texts, while simultaneously investigating every English translation available and not find the word Trinity even once in any language. Certainly the concept, when compared to any other, is revolutionary in nature. Everything about God is revolutionary. This paper will illustrate that no one Person of the Trinity is above another. Also, focus will be placed on the relationship of the three Persons while explaining their function in relationRead MoreThe Christian Religion / Holy Bible And The Bible1751 Words  | 8 Pagespassing down cultural values, we too are able to learn from them and put such knowledge into a modern context. Particularly dealing with the Christian religion/holy bible that was forcibly spread throughout the world with colonialization, many stories interpreted from it produces various perspectives that seem to change as years pass, with bibles being revised/edited. Even translation from ancient languages into modern languages are not always perfect, so real misunderstandings will remain. However,Read MoreThe Holy Text Of The Bible765 Words  | 4 Pagesvirtually shaped the world so throughout this essay I will discuss about the holy text of the bible, and about the general concept of the Judaism. Frist, Judaism has a rich history of religious text. As Rabbi Edwards from Rodfei Zedek stated, â€Å"The Torah is the first part of the Jewish Bible. It is the central and most important document of Judaism and had been used by Jews through the ages†. There are five books where the bible is made Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Torah refersRead MoreThe Holy Bible And Holy Torah1454 Words  | 6 Pageshypothesis. This included one interview with a devout Catholic from the Islands of Fiji (Mar, Interviewee,13/07/15). Moreover, comprehensive secondary research was gathered from a variety of books and relevant websites. In particular, the holy Bible and the holy Torah were very useful, as this main aspects of information gathering denoted a very different and diverse approach to the Initiation ritual. The writer will investigate how he has used the information to formulate, his own ideas and conceptsRead MoreThe Bible : The Holy Spirit1344 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The Bible, composed by 40 authors inside a 1500 year time frame, is an assorted collection of books varying in types, ranging from history, law, prophecy, gospel, and personal epistles. One book telling one story, the Bible’s author, the Holy Spirit, inspires all the writers to tell the world God’s story of salvation through His son Jesus Christ. Featuring God as originator of creation, King of creation, and source of creation, the Bible highlights the kingdom of God as one good funRead MoreThe Bible And The Holy Spirit1702 Words  | 7 Pagesevents that took place in the past, but when you pick up the Bible and read the New Testament and come across the books of Acts, you will be immersed with the Holy Spirit. God’s miraculous hands are placed upon the book of Acts. He is the only one that is able to give this book its meaning in the manner in which we are directed the message that He wants to portray to in our daily lives. Throughout the book of Acts, any reader of the Bible can give account as to what God’s movement throughout the churchRead MoreThe Holy Bible And The Crusades921 Words  | 4 Pagesmany Jews lived there. Saul needed letters from the most important priest. Then he would have authority. He could catch any believer that he found. People called the early Christians ‘those who followed the way of the lord†.†Acts 1: 1-2. (The sword bible translators notes). He was a witness in the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7. He met with Jesus on his way to Damascus and he was charged with a message to the Gentiles. Ananias was commanded by God to go to the street call straight and pray for Saul who
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Ramifications of Government Reform on Education Essay
America currently ranks 36th in the world in regards to education. This encompasses reading, math, and science. Education in the United States represents multiple achievement gaps across ethnicities, income levels, and geography. There are many reasons as to why America ranks low. The curriculum in the United States varies widely from district to district and stretches from state to state, which is one of the major problems in why America compares greatly to that of other countries. For instance, different schools offer different classes. In some schools classes that may be a requirement for students might not even be an option for others at a school that may be right across town. This pertains especially to public and private schools.†¦show more content†¦As a result, states are required to develop assessments on basic skills. These assessments vary and can be given on any subject with varying frequencies. Because the act does not enforce a national achievement standard, ea ch state develops its own standards. Therefore, the requirements, expectations, and achievements are diverse. â€Å"The No Child Left Behind Act promotes the idea that competition between schools will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system. At the same time, the rhetoric of NCLB maintains the progressive message of the â€Å"Common School†era†(Aske, Connolly, Corman, 107) In essence, it is contradictory. On the one hand the act wants competition so that students will learn more and want to achieve more. However, it also wants all schools to be on the same level or playing field so that they are equal. In order to achieve with competition some will have to be left behind, therefore there is no real way to measure actual achievement with a common school ideal. The â€Å"Common School†era dates back to the 19th century and states that in America it is the idea or expectation that all children are supported equally in regards to education and are afforded the same opportunities. It is â€Å"based on the view that education should be an equitable, assimilative,Show MoreRelatedThe Fall Of The Roman Empire1216 Words  | 5 Pagesinhabitants. At the end of these attacks political structures and the authority of the government was left shattered. The church survived and thrived, while the government collapsed. The church would become the defender of justice and order. The Bishop of Rome was involved in regaining the stability and unity that had been destroyed by the barbarian invasions. 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This leaves no room to question the necessity for gun rights reform (as cited in Stinebrickner, pg. 67 CITE). Therefore, America published an editorial titled Repeal the Second Amendment. The primary purpose of this article is to call for an examination of the implications, advantages, and (potential) consequencesRead MoreIntels Training For Engineering And English As A Second Language1636 Words  | 7 Pagescompany went a step further and developed the education system in a myriad of ways. This was also advantageous for Intel’s interests. Initially, Intel was concerned that Costa Rica did not have enough skilled professionals to work in its new assembly and testing facility. In order for the plant to be fully operational Intel would need to employ 1500 Costa Rican technicians (Cabrera Unruh, 2012). Intel received authorization from the Costa Rican government to partner with two of the country’s largest
Monday, December 9, 2019
E-Commerce Consulting Samples for Students †
Question: Discuss about the CSU E-Commerce Consulting Services. Answer: Porters Five Forces Model Analysis in the Floral Industry Threat of new Entrants The flower industry is growing fast, and as a result, many investors have been attracted to the business. The survival mechanism being improvised by the players in the sector is increasingly becoming complex, and as a result, the new entrants are finding it hard to dislodge the existing market incumbents (Gebreeyesus, Sonobe, 2012). Although they market seems competitive in nature, there is still a potential opportunity in online retailing of the commodity in many countries. The businesses like Amazon have dominated the online retailing industry for many years now since their strategies and customer loyalty are upbeat. Considering the frequency of new firms emerging in this industry, most of them do not have online market platforms from which distanced buyers can order. This has created an opportunity in the market for both the existing and new entrants who are ready to go digital in their flower sales. However, the challenging issue is the maintenance of an ordering system that ensures all the customers logging into the systems can complete their request and pay for the service (Schettler, Rombach Bitsch, 2015). Threat of Substitutes The floral industry is among the few industries that have very few substitutes for the products sold. This is giving the industry a niche in economic contribution and high returns on investments in the industry. More particularly, online selling of flowers have very few businesses, and as a result, there is a myriad of opportunities in this field. As for the actual threat posed by the close substitutes like artifacts and painting that can be used instead of flowers, their influence is negligible in the industry thus making the industry more open for investment. Developing an online retailing plan in this industry has gained momentum in the recent past owing to the improvements in technology. As a matter of fact, the income earned by businesses such as Amazon in retailing flowers in the United States exceeds the amounts being of those still selling through their physical stores. Judging from this revelation, it is evident that online business has more customers who are willing to order from their homes and get the products from the suppliers. Since there are no close substitutes for flowers, there are high possibilities of a business venture in this industry flourishing if the right strategies to reach the customers are used. It may include offering online ordering and home delivery services, which in most parts of Europe has proven effective. Power of Customers In the floral industry, buyers have less autonomy because there is also less substitute to the products being offered in this sector. For this reason, their pressure in regulating the prices of the flowers is less efficient and consequently giving the suppliers an opportunity to decide on the market prices of different brands of flowers. Considering the online marketing platforms that exist, many customers are willing to pay a stated amount for the flowers to be delivered at the doorstep (Mann, Jha, 2015). While investing in online retailing in the flower industry, it is worth noting that the potential buyers have a variety of platforms to source information on prices from and as a result, one ought to be keen on pricing and quality of the products. The most influential factor that is reducing the power of the customers in the industry is the quality and convenience of the services being offered by businesses that have embraced online selling of the flowers (Srinivasan, 2015). It has completely suppressed the bargaining power of the consumers making the less influential in dictating the prices of the flowers. Literally, this industry has more of has little customer bargaining power making it the most desired sector by investors. It is thus essential to design new strategies in both marketing and selling the products for you to reach out to as many people as possible. Power of Suppliers In the floral business, there are many suppliers many, but most of them are offline businesses. Only a small number of investors in this industry have ventured into online retailing of flowers creating a higher bargaining power in this category of floral business. However, in a general perspective, the flower industry have little supplier bargaining power despite the advantage of having fewer substitutes in the market. This is attributed to the large number of providers in the market, which according to Magretta (2012) makes the concentration ratio of suppliers to firms high. Judging by the influence the suppliers possess in the market, there are possibilities that other vendors can be cut out by the incumbent suppliers. This is a risk that most new entrants have to bear in mind before deciding to venture into the industry. However, there is less likelihood of the same happening in the online retailing category due to the less number of business in it. Furthermore, there is an increasing demand for online purchase of flowers in many countries as it has been seen to be efficient and convenient and works within short deadlines (Gebreeyesus, Sonobe, 2012). Industry rivalry The floral industry has many players currently offering similar commodities in the market. Due to this, the competition is at its peak, and it takes innovation and advertising strategies to gain a competitive advantage. Due to this reason, many businesses have opted to migrate from offline to online. However, their survival some of them has been short lived due to technological challenges and suppression from the leaders of this category of floral business. Despite the risks, there are still chances that a new entrant can conform to the existing pressures and use its strategies to gain a larger share of the market. It all takes the contribution of advertising and maintaining existing customers from the offline business and convincing them to embrace the new retailing strategy the firm has adopted. Furthermore, as an entrepreneur, it is essential to note that widening the customer base is founded on the quality you offer and the pricing of the products (Kautonen, van Gelderen, Fink, 2013). Risks Involved As you plan to venture in online business, it worth noting that there are some risks associated with the decision. The following key risks are probably going to be present. IT related risks: There are possibilities that the developments in technology will not be congruent to the services being offered. At times, there is a massive change in technology that renders online business less effective (Trusculescu, Draghici Albulescu, 2015). Losing Loyal Customers: When a business migrates from operating offline to online, not all the consumers will be able to access the services depending on their locations, and technology status. This poses a danger in new entrants in such a market and a critical evaluation is thus needed. Innovation risks: As a businessperson intending to move your flower business online, you should be prepared to embrace technology change to keep up with the changes. According to Eun Lee Stoel, (2014), there are various aspects that online customers consider before deciding to purchase their products. Key among them is security and Thus it is necessary to innovate new services for a better rating frequently System Crush or Hacking: While operating an online business, you are prone to attacks or failure of the website. When this happens, the customers will tend to purchase from the next available firm that convinces them, and this can be a permanent loss in the market share of the business (Kautonen, van Gelderen, Fink, 2013). How to Start the Service Before you decide on investing your finances on online retailing, critical decisions have to be made. First, have a background knowledge of how you want to undertake the business. Collect all the necessary information. Second, develop an easy-to-use and friendly website from which your clients will be ordering the flowers. This is a critical stage in establishing an online business and embracing ICT is imperative (Huang, Benyoucef, 2013). Third, design a marketing procedure that will ensure that the availability of the products and where they can get reaches as many customers as possible. Using search engines to direct traffic to your website is one of the best strategies to achieve this goal. In addition, informing your existing customers will benefit the business, as they will move with you to the new platform and purchase from there. Lastly, establish a reputation for yourself through quality services to all the clients and giving them after sales, services to encourage them to p urchase more flowers. Additionally, encourage your customers to subscribe to emails so that they can have updates of new products in the market or any offers that may be present. Such a strategy according to Piotrowicz, Cuthbertson (2014) is meant to ensure the consumers are always updated on the progress of the business. References Dobbs, M. (2014). Guidelines for applying Porter's five forces framework: a set of industry analysis templates.Competitiveness Review,24(1), 32-45. Eun Lee, J., Stoel, L. (2014). High versus low online price discounts: effects on customers perception of risks.Journal Of Product Brand Management,23(6), 401-412. Gebreeyesus, M., Sonobe, T. (2012). Global Value Chains and Market Formation Process in Emerging Export Activity: Evidence from Ethiopian Flower Industry.Journal Of Development Studies,48(3), 335-348. Huang, Z., Benyoucef, M. (2013). From e-commerce to social commerce: A close look at design features.Electronic Commerce Research And Applications,12(4), 246-259. Kautonen, T., van Gelderen, M., Fink, M. (2013). Robustness of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting Entrepreneurial Intentions and Actions.Entrepreneurship Theory And Practice,39(3), 655-674. Magretta, J. (2012).Understanding Michael Porter(1st ed.). Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press. Mann, P., Jha, M. (2015). A Study on Indian Consumer Outlook towards Online Shopping and Payment.Asian Journal Of Management,6(3), 163. Piotrowicz, W., Cuthbertson, R. (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue Information Technology in Retail: Toward Omnichannel Retailing.International Journal Of Electronic Commerce,18(4), 5-16. Srinivasan, R. (2015). Exploring the Impact of Social Norms and Online Shopping Anxiety in the Adoption of Online Apparel Shopping by Indian Consumers.Journal Of Internet Commerce,14(2), 177-199. Schettler, C., Rombach, M., Bitsch, V. (2015, May). Perceived advantages and barriers of buying cut flowers online. In XVIII International Symposium on Horticultural Economics and Management 1132 (pp. 9-16). Trusculescu, A., Draghici, A., Albulescu, C. T. (2015). Operational Drivers of Business Valuations in the E-Commerce Sector: Focus on Public Companies That Assume Inventory Risk. In Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM Joint International Conference 2015(pp. 787-794). ToKnowPress.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Social Media Coca Cola Essay Sample free essay sample
Social media refers to the agencies of interactions among people in which they create. portion. exchange and remark on contents among themselves in practical communities and webs. Types of Social Media Different types of societal media include collaborative undertakings such as Wikipedia. web logs such as Blogger. societal networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. content communities such as YouTube. and practical universes such as Second Life. Social Media and Marketing Social media gives sellers a voice and a manner to pass on with equals. clients and possible consumers. It personalizes the â€Å"brand†and helps you to distribute your message in a relaxed and colloquial manner. Coca Cola and Social Media Marketing Every twenty-four hours. people discuss. argument and encompass The Coca-Cola Company and our trade names in 1000s of on-line conversations. We recognize the critical importance of take parting in these on-line conversations and are committed to guaranting that we participate in on-line societal media the right manner. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media: Coca Cola Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These Online Social Media Principles have been developed to assist authorise our associates to take part in this new frontier of selling and communications. stand for our Company. and portion the optimistic and positive liquors of our trade names. Scheme: Coca Cola late shared their selling program with the universe. demoing that they have genuinely embraced the collaborative nature of Social Media. As portion of their Social Media scheme. Coke is seting the accent back on the consumer. They use dynamic storytelling as portion of the content creative activity procedure. doing it interesting. exciting and purposeful. Goals: * Develop Social Media as an extra selling A ; branding channel ( in alliance with bing ‘traditional’ channels ) * To be everyplace their consumers are* Provide a assortment of ways for consumers to take part in the plan Target Audience: Coke fans. ace fans. and consumers Message:Tell narrative of the nucleus trade name and let consumers to transport frontward that message. Approach:Coke has applied what they call the ‘’4R’’ attack to Social Media usage: * Reappraisal: Proctor and path online conversations about Coke * Respond: Reacting rapidly and suitably to remarks online. guarantee employees tasked to react are ‘certified’ ( trained to react ) * Record: Cardinal steps and indexs of success Redirect: Directing the societal media traffic back to the chief Coke web site. guaranting there are links on all sites The vision of the Company to accomplish sustainable growing online and offline is guided by certain shared values that we live by as an organisation and as persons: * LEADERSHIP: The bravery to determine a better hereafter ; * COLLABORATION: Leveraging our corporate mastermind ;* INTEGRITY: Being existent ;* ACCOUNTABILITY: Acknowledging that if it is to be. it’s up to me ; * PASSION: Showing committedness in bosom and head ;* DIVERSITY: Being every bit inclusive as our trade names ; and* Quality: Guaranting what we do. we do good. These Online Social Media Principles are intended to sketch how these values should be demonstrated in the on-line societal media infinite and to steer your engagement in this country. both when you are take parting personally. every bit good as when you are moving on behalf of the Company. It is critical that we ever retrieve who we are ( a selling company ) and what our function is in the societal media community ( to construct our trade names ) . The same regulations that apply to our messaging and communications in traditional media still use in the on-line societal media infinite ; merely because the development and execution of an on-line societal media plan can be fast. easy. and cheap doesn’t mean that different regulations apply. The Company encourages all of its associates to research and prosecute in societal media communities at a degree at which they feel comfy. Have fun. but be smart. The best advice is to near on-line universes in the same manner we do the physi cal one  by utilizing sound judgement and common sense. by adhering to the Company’s values. and by following the Code of Business Conduct and all other applicable policies. Company Committedness The Company adheres strongly to its nucleus values in the on-line societal media community. and we expect the same committedness from all Company representatives  including Company associates. and associates of our bureaus. sellers and providers. Any divergence from these committednesss may be capable to disciplinary reappraisal or other appropriate action. The Five Core Valuess of the Company in the Online Social Media Community 1. Transparency in every societal media battle. The Company does non excuse pull stringsing the societal media flow by making â€Å"fake†finishs and stations designed to misdirect followings and command a conversation. Every Web site. â€Å"fan page†. or other on-line finish that is finally controlled by the Company must do that fact known to users and must be authorized harmonizing to applicable internal protocols in order to track and supervise the Company’s online presence. We besides require bloggers and societal media infl uencers to unwrap to their readers when we’re tie ining with them. whether by supplying them with merchandise samples or hosting them at Company events. and we need to supervise whether they are following with this demand. 2. Protection of our consumers’ privateness. This means that we should be painstaking sing any Personally Identifiable Information ( PII ) that we collect. including how we collect. shop. usage. or portion that PII. all of which should be done pursuant to applicable Privacy Policies. Torahs and IT policies. 3. Respect of right of first publications. hallmarks. rights of promotion. and other third-party rights in the on-line societal media infinite. including with respect to user-generated content ( UGC ) . How precisely you do this may depend on your peculiar state of affairs. so work with your cross-functional squads to do informed. appropriate determinations. 4. Duty in our usage of engineering. We will non utilize or aline the Company with any organisations or Web sites that deploy the usage of inordinate trailing package. adware. malware or spyware. 5. Use of best patterns. listening to the online community. and conformity with applicable ordinances to guarantee that these Online Social Media Principles remain current and reflect the most up-to-date and appropriate criterions of behaviour. Company AND AGENCY ASSOCIATES’ ONLINE SOCIAL MEDIA ACTIVITIES The Company respects the rights of its associates and its authorised agencies’ associates to utilize web logs and other societal media tools non merely as a signifier of self-expression. but besides as a agency to foster the Company’s concern. It is of import that all associates are cognizant of the deductions of prosecuting in signifiers of societal media and on-line conversations that reference the Company and/or the associate’s relationship with the Company and its trade names. and that associates recognize when the Company might be held responsible for their behaviour. Expectations for Online SpokespeopleMerely as with traditional media. we have an chance  and a duty  to efficaciously pull off the Company’s repute online and to selectively prosecute and take part in the 1000s of on-line conversations that mention us every twenty-four hours. The following 10 rules steer how our Certified Online Spokespeople should stand for the Company in an online. official capacity when they are talking â€Å"on behalf of the Company: †* Be Certified in the Social Media Certification Program. All associates who wish to officially stand for the Company online must finish the Social Media Certification Program prior to get downing or go oning these activities. * Follow our Code of Business Conduct and all other Company policies. Our Code of Business Conduct provides the foundation for these Online Social Media Principles: â€Å"As a representative of [ the Company ] . you must move with honestness and unity in all affairs. †Thi s committedness is true for all signifiers of societal media. In add-on. several other policies govern your behaviour as a Company interpreter in the on-line societal media infinite. including the Information Protection Policy and the Insider Trading Policy. * Be aware that you are stand foring the Company. As a Company representative. it is of import that your stations convey the same positive. optimistic spirit that the Company instills in all of its communications. Be respectful of all persons. races. faiths and civilizations ; how you conduct yourself in the on-line societal media infinite non merely reflects on you  it is a direct contemplation on the Company. * Fully unwrap your association with the Company. The Company requires all associates who are pass oning on behalf of the Company to ever unwrap their name and their association. It is neer acceptable to utilize assumed names or otherwise deceive people. State your relationship with the Company from the beginning. e. g. . â€Å"Hi. I’m John and I work for The Coca-Cola Company†¦ . †This revelation is every bit of import for any agency/vendor/partner/third party who is stand foring the Company online. They must unwrap that they work â€Å"with The C oca-Cola Company. †* Keep records. It is critical that we keep records of our interactions in the on-line societal media infinite and supervise the activities of those with whom we engage. Because on-line conversations are frequently fugitive and immediate. it is of import for you to maintain path of them when you’re officially stand foring the Company. Remember that online Company statements can be held to the same legal criterions as traditional media communications. Keep records of any on-line duologue refering to the Company and direct a transcript to the internal electronic mail reference that you have been provided. * When in uncertainty. make non post. Associates are personally responsible for their words and actions. wherever they are. As on-line spokespeople. you must guarantee that your stations are wholly accurate and non deceptive. and that they do non uncover non-public information of the Company. Exercise sound judgement and common sense. and if there is any uncertainty. DO NOT POST IT. In any circumstance in which you are unsure about how to react to a station. direct the nexus to the internal electronic mail reference that you have been provided. * Give recognition where recognition is due and don’t violate others’ rights. DO NOT claim writing of something that is non yours. If you are utilizing another party’s content. do certain that they are credited for it in your station and that they approve of you using their content. Make non utilize the right of first publications. hallmarks. promotion rights. or other rights of others without the necessary permissions of the rights holder ( s ) . * Be responsible to your work. The Company understands that associates engage in on-line societal media activities at work for legitimate intents and that these activities may be helpful for Company personal businesss. However. the Company encourages all associates to exert sound judgement and common sense to forestall on-line societal media sites from going a distraction at work. * Remember that your local stations can hold planetary significance. The manner that you answer an on-line inquiry might be accurate in some parts of the universe. but inaccurate ( or even illegal ) in others. Keep that â€Å"world view†in head when you are take parting in on-l ine conversations. * Know that the Internet is lasting. Once information is published online. it is basically portion of a lasting record. even if you â€Å"remove/delete†it later or try to do it anon. . If your complete idea. along with its context. can non be squeezed into a character-restricted infinite ( such as Twitter ) . supply a nexus to an on-line infinite where the message can be expressed wholly and accurately. Social media is the hereafter of sellingEvery concern can larn and derive from Coca Cola’s societal media scheme for this decennary. It is important that you keep in head your concern ends. your trade name individuality and your mark audience. While one can take a page from this run scheme every concern will necessitate to develop its ain attack to societal media. Handled with idea and attention. societal media such as Facebook can do or destroy reputes. It is besides imperative to understand that a societal media enterprise is non a erstwhile activity but requires changeless direction daily. all twelvemonth long. A Facebook shop can showcase your merchandise scope and encourage and fans and their friends to shop online. For many Facebook users their clip spent on the web is their particular clip spent with friends. It is besides the clip to seek sentiments and recommendations. A individual is more likely to look into out a Facebook shop where a friend shopped late. Rapid development in applications has made shopping on Facebook merriment and interesting. A client can now shop on the societal web without holding to go forth it. An app like Storefront Social can assist a concern custom-make its Facebook store and do it look and experience alone. It is possible to remain in touch with what is of import to the mark audiences and present consequently. Peoples like to purchase the trade names that they like. They besides like trade names that appreciate them. On Facebook you can guarantee that you non merely talk to your clients but can listen to them every bit good. Whether yours is a start-up or a concern that has been in the market for many old ages. it can profit by utilizing societal media efficaciously. * In an interview with the Harvard Business Review. Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent said that societal media selling histories for over 20 per centum of the company’s media spend †¦ and is turning fast. The executive said that five old ages ago. societal media accounted for merely 3 per centum.
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